For brothers coming up to Chico this weekend for alumni weekend (and Riley’s alumni weekend), we’re putting on a little event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the installation of Eta Omega at CSU, Chico.
The Alumni Corporation will be hosting all brothers and family at the House at 7:00pm this Saturday (April 28) – that’s 630 West 5th street, Chico, CA. There will be pizza and soda, followed by a house tour highlighting the recent improvements and future plans for the house.
Afterward we will head across the street to take over Riley’s where starting at 8:30pm a tab will be opened for alumni and actives 21+, where drinks and tip will be covered for as many rounds as the budget allows.
A couple of things to note about this weekend:
There is to be NO alcohol consumed at the house. This is grounds for Eta Omega to be kicked off campus, and there is a zero tolerance policy by us or by campus PD if there is booze in the house.
It is also Father’s Weekend for the undergrads, so not every older person at the house will be a brother. Act responsibly.
Other than that, let’s have fun and I hope to see you all up there shortly!
With Alumni Weekend and our 30th Anniversary coming up in three days, our active chapter would like to reach out and ask for you to please lend a helping hand. This week Theta Chi Fraternity will be hosting its 3rd annual “War of the Roses” philanthropy event. The event involves the local sororities of Alpha Phi, Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Kappa, Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha Gamma Delta. Each day Theta Chi Fraternity will be hosting an event such as house decorations, on-campus coin drive, carnival, and a powder puff football tournament. Each event has point values awarded to the winning teams, and will help to raise donations. War of the Roses has been very successful in the past and donates all proceeds to the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence. We have raised nearly $5,000 in the past two years, and are looking to launch our best and most successful year yet.
For those of you who don’t know, the Brady Campaign is aimed at the prevention of gun violence. They are, “devoted to creating an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in our communities.” We of Theta Chi Fraternity support the Brady Campaign and feel strongly against gun violence.
With hopes to surpass previous year’s donations, the active chapter is branching outside of the CSU campus and asking everyone for donations towards the Brady Campaign. Each dollar donated will provide my team with 100 points, and go towards a great cause. Your time and support for the active Chapter is much appreciated!
Tom Hyat at an important speaking engagement (aka: karaoke)
It’s been another great year for Theta Chi, Eta Omega. The Chapter has continued to thrive in Chico and we are still the Top Fraternity on the Chico State Campus. For the last two years, the Chapter fulfilled their commitment to “fill” the house with 18 paying tenants. As a little incentive and reward, we installed a little “upgrade” in the house. You’ll have to go visit to see what it was.
The Alumni Board of Directors has also continued to gain ground and build upon the prior years’ successes. We do have board positions that need to be filled by motivated brothers (See Below). Our financial foundation is solid and we are in the process of evaluating the feasibility of the Phase 2 house remodel. In fact, our newest appraisal values the property and houses at $950,000; even in today’s economy. Fortunately, Chico remains semi-isolated from the housing debacle and has not been hit as hard as other areas in California. It just goes to show you, Chico is a great town with a sturdy economy.
The Alumni Board of Directors is always looking for volunteers and there are many ways you can help without leaving your home. We also need donations and you can do this simply by joining the 1981 Club Monthly Donation Plan (more info below). Get involved and remember, Theta Chi for Life!
[Tom wrote this before he announced he was stepping down from hist position as Alumni Board president. See below for details.]
Brother Tom Hyatt, F’93
Alumni President
Message from the Chapter President
This year has been a great year for the Eta Omega Chapter here at Chico State. Theta Chi continues to have a strong presence on campus with 70 active members. This semester we took in a pledge class of 12 freshman. We have built great relationships on campus with the Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) and the Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center (CADEC) to help promote good relationships with our University. We have held multiple events with CADEC including a Halloween weekend water handout to help keep students safe and hydrated. Also, our chapter has held Friday cleanups as a part of Community Service to clean up the streets around us.
The past two years we have won the “Greek Cup” which goes to the Chico Fraternity that performs the best in all sports. I’m happy to say that we are currently in first place with a returning Championship basketball and softball team to still play this semester. Finally, this year Theta Chi National has awarded our Chapter with the Phil S. Randall Success in Recruitment Award which is presented to chapters that initiate 25 or more new members during the previous academic year.
Our Chapter is as strong as ever and motivated to continue to carry on the traditions of Eta Omega and continue to be an example of excellence among the community and university. A few choice recent events:
Halloween grab a date “Monster Mash” – The Chapter used our fraternity house as a Venue with tight security to manage risk and used hosted an awesome social with Alpha Delta Pi.
Theta Chi had another successful “My tie” theme where every brother put a tie in a box and brought it to the sorority house where every girl grabbed a tie and found their date for a memorable social.
Last semester the active Chapter sold “We Love College” shirts with an OX incorporated into the word College. They sold these T-Shirts and Theta Chi “livestrong” style bracelets to all sororities and was a huge hit.
Sam Runco
Chapter President
The State of the House
The House, Spring 2012
Our House at 630 w 5th St is in much better shape now than it was just a few years ago (see 1st floor remodel photos from 2009), but it’s still only half remodeled. Our major goal continues to be to raise funds to pay for the 2nd phase remodel – which could potentially happen in 2013 or 2014 if undergrads keep fill the house with renters each year and if collections rates of rent/dues remain high. The next remodel phase will include a total overhaul of the interior of the 2nd floor and attic – including the addition of a 2nd floor living room and commercial quality bathrooms. An exterior renovation would be nice, too, and if we can raise enough funds we will include that in Phase 2 as well – but our top priority is improving the interior living conditions, energy efficiency, and safety of the House.
This year the House is full of rent-paying brothers, which keeps cash flow positive, and allows us to stay focused on this remodel plan. Another lease year is starting soon, though (June, 2011), which means we have to get another 18 guys to sign leases ASAP, and stay in the black into 2012/2013. The undergraduate brothers have a number of options when it comes to living near campus, and that’s one big reason we’re working to make the Fraternity House nicer – to make it a more appealing option. In addition to making it a more desirable place to live, renovations will make the House a place that Alumni want to visit, a place that all Brothers want to hang out in, and maybe even someday a place that doesn’t make parents cringe.
Early estimates of the total cost of the 2nd phase remodel are between $200k and $400k. The more we can put down on a loan the better, but we’ll definitely need at least 20%. The 1856 Club monthly donation plan alone has gotten us $12,000 closer to a down payment on that loan, and if you sign up we’ll get there even faster.
Jeremy Reither, F’95
Alumni Treasurer
Fundraising: “Your money or your time”
This is what Eta Omega needs from you. Plain and simple.
We need your help.
We have completed the first phase of the house renovation and are gearing up for the second phase. This will complete the house renovation and make 630 West 5th Street the only house on campus specifically designed for the needs of a fraternity. The first ever on the Chico State campus. This will further ensure that Theta Chi is a permanent fixture on campus for generations to come.
This future is not certain.
If you cannot give time to the chapter then you have the option to donate money . Help secure your legacy at Chico. Here are your options:
Join the “1981 CLUB” by pledging a recurring donation of $19.81 per month (in honor of the founding of the chapter in 1981):
Make a Tax-Deductible Check Payable through CSU Chico
Write on the memo line: THETA CHI
Mail your donation to: University Development CSU, Chico Chico, CA 95929-0240
Please let us know ( if you send a payment to the university, as we don’t automatically get notified.
29th Annual SF Giants Game: On May 20 last year, about 25 alumni gathered at AT&T park to tailgate and watch the SF Giants beat the A’s 2-1 with a run in the 10th inning. This was the 28th annual OX Giants game organized by Joe Silva. For details about the 29th annual 2012 game, including how to buy tickets from Joe, click here.
Riley’s Alumni Weekend (April 28, 2012): It’s is right around the corner. As most of you know we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary of the Eta Omega chapter this year. The Alumni Board will be hosting everyone at the House at 7pm for food , drinks and house tours. After that (8pm sharp) the group will walk over to a local watering hole (show up to find out which one) for a few rounds of drinks on us (the Alumni Corp). We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Hiddenbrooke Golf Course
1st Annual Golf Invitational (September 28, 2012 – Hiddenbrooke Golf Club, Vallejo, CA): The stage is set and this beautiful venue has been booked for US. Save the date and commit to locking this epic and long overdue Alumni event into your calendars. Alumni brothers, it’s time to connect with new, reconnect with old, and kick off an annual event that will undoubtedly create fresh stories and friendships in pure Eta Omega fashion. I assure you, this is one you won’t want to miss! RSVP on Facebook.
Bro News
The "Hula Tribe" Tough Mudder team
Big year for Paul Weinrauch (S’95) who got remarried on 11-1-11 to Danielle Weinrauch, and now has two stepdaughters 15 and 20. He also started a new job with Byram Healthcare in December.
Seven brothers from the 1990’s and 2000’s (Matt Zipse, Jeremy Reither, Bill Hu, Chris Perry, Josh Wolcott, and Kevin Brooks) did the Tough Mudder endurance event in Squaw Valley in September. 13 miles climbing the peaks and ripping it up with 6,000 other athletes. Most of them were on the “Hula Tribe” team with 23 total members. Watch their video on YouTube.
Jose & Allison Nunez
Bother Jose Nunez got married to Allison Renee Nunez on July 2, 2011.
Brother Matt Zipse (Spring 06′) received a promotion in his company and is moving to Denver in February.
Mike Dunbar (S’93) and family had a baby girl Giants fan, Madison B. Dunbar, born August 15th 2011. That makes 3 kids so far for the Dunbars, 2 girls and a boy.
Chris Boden
Brother Chris Boden and his wife Sarah welcomed their first child into the world this year. Congrats on the new baby girl Chris.
Scott & Eva Sederholm
A tribute to Scott Sederholm: Brother Scott Sederholm (Fall ’95) left us unexpectedly at the young age of 34. He had a beautiful heart and an infectious personality that he shared easily with family, friends and coworkers; his smile lit up the room. Scott enjoyed spending time with loved ones, had a deep appreciation for music, and liked the challenge of a good crossword puzzle. Scott was born in Santa Rosa and attended Strawberry Elementary, Slater Jr. High and Montgomery High School (Class of ’95). He joined Eta Omega as a freshman and was a very active brother throughout his time in Chico, holding multiple elected positions and playing on several sports teams. Those of us who spent time with him in Chico and the years after graduation know he was one of the most likable men you ever met. Most recently he worked for the Sonoma County Juvenile Hall as a Correctional Counselor – he always had a special way of connecting with young people. Scott will be dearly missed by those of us who knew him best; his beloved wife of only six months, Eva; their pets, Chuy and Buddy; mother, Linda; father, Dave; brother, Joe (wife Jenny; children Stella and Colby).
Your Alumni Board: Present and Future
Current Alumni Board of Directors
President – Tom Hyatt (Fall ‘93)
Vice President– Peter Smith (Fall ‘04)
Treasurer – Jeremy Reither (Fall ‘95)
Fundraising – Ed Stone (Fall ‘89)
Secretary / PR – John Wenger (Spring ‘06)
Chapter Relations – Andrew Chalmers (Spring ‘07)
Tom Hyatt and Ed Stone Stepping Down
The Alumni Board and entire Eta Omega Chapter would like to thank Tom Hyatt for his commitment to the preservation of our great chapter. For the past 8 years Tom has built a strong Alumni organization through hard work and leadership as our Alumni President. Tom has been an intricate part of our on-going remodel of the chapter house, including having personally installed a new bathroom himself a few years ago. Tom will continue to be a big part of Eta Omega, but has chosen to step down to focus on his kids, wife, and growing business. We all would like to wish Tom all the best. Thanks for all your hard work Tom!
Our current positive financial state would also not be possible without the hard work and dedication by brother Ed Stone. Ed took over fundraising responsibilities a couple years ago and helped bring in much needed funding for the chapter and the remodel, through the implementation of the 1981 Club monthly donation program. Ed will also be stepping down to focus on other personal priorities, so we wish Ed all the best and thank him for all his help in creating a financially viable Alumni Corp.
We Need Volunteers
The Alumni Board of is looking for motivated volunteers! Taking a position on the Alumni Board is great opportunity to reconnect with brothers, Theta Chi International, and the school, to help run a million-dollar-per-year non-profit organization, and to give back to the chapter than changed your life.
The obligations include one conference per quarter, a 2-year commitment, and whatever responsibilities you are willing to take on. If you’re interested and dedicated we’ll find a role for you. Send us an email if you want to nominate yourself or someone else:
Steve Rainwater:
“Alumni Weekend – 30 year Anniversary of Eta Omega!! April 27th-29th!“
Joe Silva:
“Um, that’s not really the 30 year. That wouldn’t be until November“
Bill Logsdon:
“Actually – that would be the 31st anniversary of the first pledge class being initiated!“
So, is it’s actually Eta Omega’s 30th? Maybe not exactly…but Rileys is celebrating that weekend, so let’s say it is. The Eta Omega Alumni Corporation may also be sponsoring a little event, so book your room now and stay tuned for details.
It’s once again time for the OX Giants Game!!!! This our 29th straight year and we’re 19-9! We had a great time last year and even ran into an active at the game.
Game: Giants versus Cubs
Date: Friday, June 1
Seat Location: LF Bleachers section 137. (Same as last year but closer to the field)
What: Beer and peanuts provided. BBQ available for use. (bring our own meat)
Cost: $45/ticket.
I only purchased 25 tickets so if you want a guaranteed ticket, get your $$$ in now. First come first served.
Pay via PayPal ($45) – use e-mail address
Pay by Check ($45) – email me for my mailing address; or my phone number is: (925) 846-2903
Of course many in the crowd will be charter members of Eta Omega, and there are always guys there from every era. Call some guys who you haven’t seen for a while and make it a pledge class reunion. Guaranteed to be a good time and you never know who you’re going to see. Even if you’re not a baseball fan, you’ll have fun. Hope life is treating you all well. If you see someone who’s not on the list, but you think would be interested, please forward.
The Orion published a couple stories this month featuring Theta Chi, Eta Omega brothers…
Demonstrators take on violence in nighttime silence
“Between 200 and 300 people walked in silence Thursday night to spread awareness for those that don’t have a voice – women who have been raped or assaulted.” Read the article…
GREEK SPEAK >> Theta Chi (by Alan Barbour)
Greek Speak features a different voice from a member of Chico State’s Greek community each week. Read the article…
“We had Greek Week a few weeks back and unfortunately we fell short with a close 2nd behind Sigma Kappa, but older brothers were saying it was the best Greek Week they have seen because we had such great attendance. Our talent show was hilarious and the girls went crazy the entire time – we won this event.”
The guys in Chico are busy getting ready for Fall Rush…I mean, uh “recruitment.” They just sent us this photo of the front of the house…which they just spruced up with a brand new porch paint job (in Military Red, of course).
If you’re thinking the house doesn’t exactly look like it’s been remodeled, that’s because the exterior still hasn’t. We’re still raising funds for the 2nd phase of the remodel, which will include the 2nd floor, attic, and exterior. The 1st floor and cottage have already been completed.
Theta Chi Fraternity at California State University, Chico is hosting its 3rd Annual Theta Chi Charity Golf Tournament. Our first two tournaments were a huge success raising a significant amount of money that went in part to help support local charities. In our first year we were able to make a generous donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Chico, and in our second year we were able to make a donation to Chico Green School. This year in order to build a stronger Chapter we will be utilizing our golf tournament earnings to send members of our fraternity to a National Leadership Conference.
We are looking for sponsors and donors to help fund our tournament by donating either money or prizes for the check-in bags, raffle, and silent auction. For $50, your company’s name and logo will be put on a professionally made sign, which will be on display at a tee box for everyone to see. For $200, your sign can be displayed on every cart plus a sign on a tee box. We would appreciate any type of contribution you may be able to provide.
Our fraternity strives to achieve success academically, socially, and within our local community. Over the years we have participated in many philanthropic events such as Up ‘til Dawn to help fund cancer research, on-campus blood drives, and by winning the “Greek Week” title two years in a row recently. We are the largest fraternity on campus, and make every effort to be leaders in the community. We hope that you will consider helping this years tournament be the best one yet.
Thank you for taking the time to consider sponsoring (or donating to) our tournament.
Brian Robinson
Tournament Director
As of now we have developed a new Theta Chi, Eta Omega website [for the undergraduate chapter]! It will soon become the active chapter’s direct means of communication while providing new updates and important Theta Chi events that brothers are holding. In addition, there are also two sections on the website for alumni and active brothers to sign up and be recognized as Eta Omega. I strongly encourage all alumni to sign up and register. Check out our new website and do so at
Keith May-Davis (Alumni Relations)
P.S. The old chapter website ( is currently still up also, but we’re working with the university to redirect it to the new site.