Chico Updates from the Alum VP

Eta Omega Chapter President, Adam Shea and Andrew Chalmers attend the 15th Annual B. Nelson Deranian Presidents Conference (DPC) for chapter, colony, and interest group leaders will in Indianapolis. Their flights apparently sucked but they had a good time anyway (even though they couldn’t find any Alpha Phi’s to party with).

When it was all said and done, they both learned many new best practices that help create and maintain successful chapters across the nation. Andrew later said, “I was fortunate enough to see Jereme Grinsdale at the goodbye dinner … he is excited to see what we have in store and he touched on what the chapter also needs to be on track for to be considered for the loan… GRADES.  Last semester we were above our required average for the school and our pledge class had the highest GPA among the other fraternities.” Keep those grades in check gentleman!

The Chico State campus has had some recent news as well:

So do kids still go to the flumes, or tube down the river, or sneak into Dime Bag Willie’s house…?

Willie Shoffner
Alumni Board / Vice President

January 2009 Alumni Newsletter

You should have received a copy of this e-mail newsletter on 1/30/2009. If not it means we don’t have your current e-mail address – so send it to us and get on the mailing list for future newsletters.

Eta Omega Alumni Update – Jan 2009

We’re Going Big 

Here it is – your annual e-newsletter, with updates from all the key players in the Eta Omega Alumni Board, the Active Exec, and “members at large.” Catch up on 2008, then tune in and chip in for a huge 2009. Continue reading “January 2009 Alumni Newsletter”

Send Us Your Updates for the 2009 Alumni e-Newsletter

Brothers,Its time to put together Eta Omega’s annual e-Newsletter, so I need bro updates…

Here’s the deal…if you are in any position where you market your company this is the time to do so. If you started a company or own your business this is the time to let people know. If you just had kid, got married, divorced, or know someone that did let me know. The newsletter is a great way to get your new business seen and let old friends hear about how life’s going.

I know the majority of my business and the people I do business with are bros or referrals from brothers. Don’t let a chance for free marketing pass you by! I need updates by Wednesday the 28th. Send me the dirt!!!!

Send an email to chris[at]bodeninsurance[dot]com

Chris Boden

Eta Omega Fraternity House Architectural Drawings

Check this out – a recently completed AutoCAD drawing of the house at 630 W. 5th Street. Architect Gregory A. Peitz put this together for us, putting us another step closer to submitting a solid application for the loan to re-model the fraternity house.

FYI: The loan application deadline is at the end of February, so we’re busy getting all our ducks in a row.

As Built Floor Plan – 630 W. 5th Street

Recent Donors for the Advising Symposium

As we prepare to send two undergrads (Adam Shea (current president) and Andrew Chalmers) to Indianapolis for the annual Advising Symposium (Jan 9-10), we’re still raising funds to pay for the cost of their trip. Thanks to these recent donors – every bit helps:

  • Phil Boden
  • Peter Smith

We still haven’t covered our costs, though. Visit to chip in.

Theta Chi: Support the National Fraternity


Eta Omega has over 700 initiates since we were first became a chapter back in 1982. But having all those initiates is meaningless unless each and every alumnus participates in the betterment of the fraternity as a whole. That is why I am asking each and every one of you who reads this email to go online and make a minimum pledge of $10 to the Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity. 

As many of you may already know we are in the planning stages of a major renovation of the house.  The funding for this huge effort will be made possible through a loan from Theta Chi.  Without their assistance a loan of this size would be next to impossible to obtain. Continue reading “Theta Chi: Support the National Fraternity”