SAVE THE DATE – Eta Omega Chapter 35th Anniversary


Mark your calendars for November 11, 2017 as we will be venturing back to the home land to celebrate our Eta Omega Chapter’s 35th Anniversary at Chico State!

For those of you who attended the 25th Anniversary, you know that this will be a celebration you won’t want to miss. This time we will try not to finish our open bar tab in the first hour. Details about the event will be forth coming, but expect a classy dinner with moderately high debauchery. We will be getting a block of rooms at the OXford suites and also provide transportation to the event.

Similar to the 25th anniversary we will be launching a fundraising effort to raise $25,000. This money will be used to start a scholarship foundation through our National HQ. The foundation will allow our chapter to give out scholarships to brothers in perpetuity through the annual dividends that are earned. There will be a pledge class competition as well as an individual competition. The brother with the largest contribution will have the scholarship named after them, while the winning pledge class will receive a $500 bar tab at Riley’s. Starting a foundation has been a longtime goal of the Alumni Board’s and we are very excited to finally start pursuing its establishment.

Keep an eye out for further details!!



John Wenger


Alumni Board of Eta Omega Chapter – Theta Chi Fraternity