Sun-Raising for Theta Chi


Are you currently looking into getting solar for your home? If so, then there’s an opportunity to also help out the Chapter.

I recently spoke with our Alumnus brother Adam Shea and we got to talking about his company SolarCity.  As I’m sure you know, SolarCity is the leading provider for clean energy in the U.S.

Brother Shea is a consultant for them and has been doing some awesome work in the San Diego area.  He recently started “Sun Raising” and is seeing amazing results so far.  He reached out to me because he wants our Alumni to benefit from this simple way to raise money.

Here’s how it works…  We give Adam names and numbers of our friends, family members, colleagues, etc. who are home owners and interested in going solar.  It could even be your own home.  Once he has names he will reach out and see if solar would be beneficial for them.  If a home owner decides to go with SolarCity Eta Omega will get $200.

I’m sure some of you have already gone solar and that is great. This is a perfect opportunity for us to start the conversation and help the people we love, trust, and care about to get a better source of energy to power their home.

So if you have any names or contacts please reach out to Adam Shea at:


John Wenger

Alumni President – Eta Omega Chapter