Update on Eta Omega and the University


As some of you may know, we’ve had some ongoing issues with the school for over a year now. The Alumni Board and National representatives have been in constant contact with the school, chapter and with each other.

The original charge against our chapter was around an alleged incident where the Greek Adviser witnessed someone carry an 18 pack through the side yard of our fraternity house. We appealed the charge through the IFC and were denied. While on social probation our chapter violated the terms of the probation by taking a trip to Tahoe. Unfortunately, the punishment that was handed down was a suspension that was beyond what we (the board) and National deemed acceptable. Our active chapter (in consultation with the board and National) submitted a detailed proposal to the IFC of immediate actions we took to improve the chapter. We also accepted all provisions of the suspension with the exception of one provision that barred our chapter from recruitment. National NIC standards state that no punishment shall include a prohibition against recruitment. Our National chapter follows these standards. The Alumni Board and National chapter informed the school that we would abide by the suspension, but would not be following that specific provision of the suspension. As a result, our Chapter recruited members in the Spring and was subsequently suspended from the IFC for a year (**not the School). In response, our National chapter sent a letter to the IFC and the school. If you’d like to read the letter please email me directly, but in sum it says:

“It is clear that the Chico State IFC is uninterested in working productively with Eta Omega Chapter of Theta Chi at this time, and that this policy discrepancy remains unresolved. Nonetheless, Theta Chi Fraternity maintains the stance described above, and thus chooses to function beyond IFC participation.”

We will keep you updated on any new developments with the school. National and the Alumni Board have put safeguards in place to ensure our chapter will continue to abide by strict conduct standards and we will continue to thrive with or without the school. We are still the top house on campus and our active chapter is comprised of great individuals. I have full confidence that they will continue to grow for years to come.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding our situation please feel free to reach me at jwenger15@gmail.com.


John Wenger
President – Eta Omega Alumni Board of Directors
(916) 690-0675