27th Annual SF Giants Game Re-Cap (We’re 18-9!)

by Joe Silva

It was a smaller group than usual for the 27th Annual Eta Omega Alumni Giants Game, but it was a beautiful day and a great 6-1 win for the Giants over the Rockies (yes, they actually scored runs that day). We got together in Lot D before the game and put down a variety of brews, ate some delicious sandwiches cooked up by brother Vince (Salame) Licata, ate chips and peanuts, and BS’ed for awhile. Got into the game in the second inning (a record time) and sat in the Upper box seats, row 1. Nice view of the park and the bay from up there.

After watching the Giants crush the Rocks, many of us returned to the lot to quaff another beer, or a water for those driving, and wait for the traffic to die down. An awesome day all around that saw us push our OX record at the Giants game to 18-9!

Make Money for Eta Omega by Shopping Online

Register for the Eta Omega Fundraising Mall and start making your online purchases through this portal. A percentage of each sale goes to Eta Omega. It’s an easy way to contribute to the fraternity’s fundraising efforts. This online mall has thousands of stores to buy from, like Overstock.com, Restaurant.com, and AceHardware.com.


Brother Poul Willerup (F’89) works for the ‘Fundraising Network Mall’  – the startup company that makes this possible.

New Study Shows Benefits of Joining a Fraternity vs. Not Being Affiliated

The Case for Fraternity Rights

Between 2007 and 2009, 5,697 male college students participated in an independent research study concerning their growth, learning, and development. Those sampled represent fraternity members, as well as unaffiliated men. The result, and the differences, are startling.

Independent research complied by the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA) has recently presented valuable data concerning the impact of fraternity membership on student growth and performance. These findings reveal telling results surrounding several previously questioned areas of the student experience.

Common threads gleaned from this extensive research have helped NIC better address many of the ongoing points of contention between its members and those who cast dispersions and create misinformation surrounding the importance and impact of fraternity life to both students and communities at large.

Learn more at: http://nicindy.org/fraternityrights/about/

Successful Alumni / Father's Weekend and Golf Tournament in Chico

by John Wenger


I am happy to report that Alumni Weekend / Fathers Weekend went off without a hitch. Everyone that came up last weekend seemed to leave town with a smile on their face. Overall Alumni Weekend brought roughly 300 Greek Alumni into town (not sure how many Theta Chi) and everyone seemed to have a blast.

Friday night the bars were packed, lines were long and drinks were flowing. Our fraternity house (surprisingly) stayed relatively quite during the night time with the occasional alumnus stopping by to take a look at the re-model.

Saturday the Active Chapter threw a Golf Tournament that included roughly 80 players in the field. Most of the field consisted of actives and their fathers, however, there were a handful of alumni participating as well. The tournament was a blast, the food was awesome, and the prizes for the raffle seemed to never stop! I encourage all alumni to try and participate in the tournament next year; you won’t be dissapointed. After the tournament the actives threw a party on 7th and Chesnut that included 5 to 6 beer pong tables, an open bar and Peter Smith running around trying to “Boat Race” everybody in the joint!

I’m sure a lot of alumni like myself, left Sunday feeling a little sub-par, but I’m sure everyone that attended will be back for more next year!

by Danny Kelchner

This past weekend, on May 1, we put on a Golf Tournament whose participants consisted of undergraduate brothers, their fathers and some alumni who were up in Chico for alumni weekend. Everyone enjoyed a day off golf at Tuscan Ridge golf course located off skyway. They were nice enough deal with us while everyone was drinking and having a great day of golf with their Dads or old friends. After everyone was done with their 18 holes we all met up for dinner and a Raffle of roughly 30 donated items (including a bicycle, a swiss army watch, gift cards, and more). Through everyone’s participation we raised $4,500 – a portion of which goes to Chico Green School. The event was not only a success but a blast for everyone who participated. We are already looking forward to doing the same thing next year and i hope you all will make the trip up and participate.

Chapter Denied Funds to Add Solar Panels on Roof

“Theta Chi recently applied for a grant through the A.S. Sustainability Fund Allocation Committee, but was turned down, said junior Cody Beratlis, house manager of Theta Chi. The $10,000 grant would have helped pay for solar panels on the roof of the fraternity [house].”

“There were eight total applicants for sustainability funding from various organizations on campus, four of which received funding…”

“The total amount of money requested for spring 2010 by all organizations totaled more than $43,000… the four that did receive funding came to almost $13,000 … there was nearly $76,000 allocated during fall 2009.”

Original article in the Orion

Orion Article Credits Eta Omega With Longevity

“Among other organizations that have lasted through the years is the fraternity Theta Chi, which has been in Chico for nearly three decades.

External Vice President Andrew Chalmers thinks they’ve made it so long because of the type of people they look for, he said.

“We’re all about bringing in men who are strong leaders that care about community involvement,” Chalmers said.

Having a cause and pushing to move away from a party-boy image are top priorities for Theta Chi, he said.”

Original article in the Orion